Prestige Organic Coffee

Prestige Organic Coffee is a certified organic coffee roastery and was founded in 2001 when the Biological Farmers of Australia granted us certification.

Roaster Elizabeth Lajos is very experienced the art of speciality coffee roasting, joining Arabica Coffee in 1988. Both Arabica and Prestige are now combined in the same building; however, they are using different roasters, as Prestige is audited annually by the BFA.

We roast a huge range of coffees that are sold into organic retail stores, as well as dedicated organic cafés.

Prestige Organic Coffee is also Fair-trade  Accredited, as the policy within our business is that everyone from the farmers to the customers must benefit.

The consumption of organic coffee in Brisbane has grown rapidly, but we also export the South Korea. Our distributor in Seoul is a coffee and marketing expert and has grown his sales very quickly; the café culture over there is strong, with a population of over 10 million people.

Our coffee research and development is based on testing the coffees of Gold and Silver medal winners in upmarket cafés and assessing their quality, which is always excellent. We then work towards developing blends that will be superior. The coffees we used to compete in the Golden Bean are taken from our storage bins; we do not roast specially for the competition. Prestige Organic Coffee won Gold and two Silvers while Arabica Coffee received a Silver and three Bronze, finishing third overall in the CSR Sugar Golden Bean.

We are grateful to the CSR Sugar Golden Bean competition and its organisers, as they work towards setting new standards for the coffee industry and ensure our future is guaranteed. Our medal tally to date (over four years) is two Gold, five Silver and eleven Bronzes. We are very proud of this result.


Organic Coffee Growing


This is a very stringent process. Prior to certification a coffee grower must prove there is no use of synthesized fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides or fumigation. Only organically naturally produced fertilizers may be used. The farmer must also operate a balanced ecosystem which provide a favourable environment for birds and animals. Before certification a plantation is soil tested for any traces of chemicals and must follow the standard set by the certifying organisation for six months before it can be considered.

After certification each plantation is visited and re-evaluated annually.


Organic Coffee Roasting


  • Arabica Coffee is certified by the Biological farmers of Australia (B.F.A) the B.F.A certifies organics in order for the product to meet the strict requirements of the national standards for organic production. The common objective is to farm in a n ecological sound and sustainable manner. The B.F.A. is also a member of the International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements (I.F.O.A.M.) and maintain a close contact with other international certifying organisations. Arabica Coffee strictly practice all procedures stipulated by the B.F.A. this includes storing, roasting, and packaging and is subject to annual re-evaluation.